HOM4PS-2.0 (Linux system)




64-bit Linux operating system (x86-64/AMD-64/Intel-64)




1.  Run on 64-bit Linux operating system (x86-64/AMD-64/Intel-64).

2.  No library installation is needed.

3.  No compiler is needed.

4.  One option (switch between Polyhedral homotopy and Linear homotopy).




1.  Run on 64-bit Linux operating system (x86-64/AMD-64/Intel-64).

2.  No library installation is needed.

3.  ifort (Intel fortran) is needed. But it takes less running time.

4.  One option (switch between Polyhedral homotopy and Linear homotopy).



        The usage of the code:

Step1:   Untar HOM4PS2_xx-bit_xx.tar.gz.      i.e. tar –zxf HOM4PS2_xx-bit_xx.tar.gz

Step2:   Change directory to HOM4PS2.          i.e. cd HOM4PS2

Step3:   Create/Copy input file (symbolic format) in the directory HOM4PS2.

Step4:   Execute   ./hom4ps2 filename.

Ex:   ./hom4ps2 barry.sym

Ex:   ./hom4ps2 cyclic5.sym


Note:  The solutions are listed in file HOM4PS2/data.roots.




        The symbolic format of input file:

1.      The polynomial system should be in brackets { } .

2.      Each equation should be separated by semicolon ; .

3.      All comments should be outside the brackets and should have number sign # in the front.



Sample 1:  barry.sym









Sample 2:    cyclic5.sym










# cyclic 5-roots problem

# Mixed volume : 70

# Number of roots : 70

# Number of real roots : 10


Note:  The input files of several well-known polynomial systems are available at equations.zip.




If you have any questions or comments, please contact

    *Tsung-Lin Lee     ( leetsung@math.nsysu.edu.tw )

Tien-Yien Li        ( li@math.msu.edu )

Chih-Hsiung Tsai ( tsaichih@msu.edu )



        * Corresponding author