R codes for finding the optimal number and locations of cutpoints for survival analysis (Computational Statistics paper)

whole package for cutpoints The whole package, includeing R codes for estimating optimal number and locations of cutpoints, a simulated toy data set and an example file
an example file an example file for demonstrating how to use findcutCox.R (find optimal locations) and findnumCox.R (find optimal number)
findcutCox.R R code for estimating the optimal locations of cutpoints
findnumCox.R R code for estimating the optimal number of cutpoints
a simulated dataset
Note that estimating the optimal number of cutpoints (findnumCox.R) may take some time (20 minutes in my computer without any parallel computing). The code was written for parallel computing, so you can change the code easily to release the parallel computing if you want to speed up the process.