
主 講 人:單維彰 教授 ( 中央大學數學系 )

講 題:A Brief Course on Wavelets 凌波方程之短期課程

時 間:86年7月10日(星期四) 上午10:00至12:00


地 點:國立中山大學理學院理4009~1室



大 綱:

(1) Background and basic theory: Fourier series and transform, physical/

frequency domain, digital signal/image processing, and orthonormal/ dual bases/frames.

(2) Basic theory on orthonormal wavelets: Multiresolution analysis (MRA),

the existence theory, the approximation theory, the frequency response characteristics, the wavelet transform and the fast algorithm.

(3) Different types of wavelets: Coiflets and wavelet packets, semi- orthogonal and biorthogonal wavelets, wavelets on finite intervals, the lifting scheme.

(4) Applications and Q&A: Overview of the applications on digital signal/ image compression, pattern recognition and denoising; and those on the numerical solution of differential/integral equations. There will be a few minutes reserved for Q&A (no guarantee that there will be answers).

附 註:本研討會採用當場報名方式,會議當天中午備有便餐,並可酌量補助遠地參與者交通費。

連 絡 人:呂宗澤 (07) 525-2000轉3821

李子才 (07) 525-2000轉3824

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